Procs would be useful for letting a player choose his race or class?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but if you want to let a player select their race or class from a list of choices you'll want to use the input proc.

If you're only giving them one or two choices the alert proc would suffice. I wouldn't recommend switching between input and alert very often though as the inconsistancy can make a game look thrown together.
In response to DarkView
To be honest, I have absolutely no knowledge of how to make savefiles and player managment systems. So find that out, and try to adapt my work to your game:

name="World Name"

mob/var //saying that it is the mob's variable
race //race var
Login() //when the player logs in
race1 //if a player is not satisfied with their choice afterwards they can return to it
switch(input("Welcome to []. Of what race would you like to be?","Race")in list("Human","Alien","Blorg Race")) //List what races they could be
if("Human") //If they choose humans
switch(alert("You have chosen to be a \"Human\" Are you satisfied with your choice, or do you want to return and choose a different race?","","Satisfied","Cancel"))
if("Satisfied") //If they are sure they want to be a human
src.race="Human" //They are a human.
//Here add icons and vars that make them who they are.
src.Move(locate(1,1,1))//Put the human where the humans start (perferrably Earth ;) )
if("Cancel") //If they want to change
goto race1 //Go back to choosing, where race1 is.
switch(alert("You have chosen to be an \"Alien\" Are you satisfied with your choice, or do you want to return and choose a different race?","","Satisfied","Cancel"))
if("Satisfied") //If they are sure they want to be an alien
src.race="Alien" //They are an alien.
//Here add icons and vars that make them who they are.
src.Move(locate(1,1,1))//Put them where aliens start on your map.
if("Cancel") //If they want to change
goto race1 //Go back to choosing, where race1 is.
if("Blorg Race")
switch(alert("You have chosen to be a \"Blorg\" Are you satisfied with your choice, or do you want to return and choose a different race?","","Satisfied","Cancel"))
if("Satisfied") //If they are sure they want to be a blorg
src.race="Blorg" //then they are a blorg
//Here add icons and vars that make them who they are.
src.Move(locate(1,1,1))//Put them where blorgs start on your map
if("Cancel") //If they want to change
goto race1 //Go back to choosing, where race1 is.
Hope it helped a bit.

If thats what you wanted, then feel free to use it. If its not, then ill try again, but expain what you want in more detail