(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Reference: unknownperson.2007-1121/browserinterfaces_part1.html

Topic(href, list/href_list)
var/action = href_list["action"]
var/value = href_list["value"]

src.nexttext = "[value]"
src << browse(src.nexttext, "window=Dialogue")

var/freddyd2="Example. Need Help."

name="Freddy Shoals"
set src in oview(1)
usr << browse_rsc('Freddy.png')
var/freddyd1= {"
<style>body {background-color: '#000000';color: '#ffffff'}</style>
<title> Freddy </title>
<p style="text-align:center;"><img src="Freddy.png" width="160px" height="160px" /><br>
<b><u>Freddy Shoals</u></b>:</p>
Insert Dialogue here.
- <a href=byond://?src=\ref
[usr]&action=Next&value=[freddyd2]>Nice to meet you</a><br />

usr << browse(freddyd1, "window=Dialogue")

Problem description:

I've been trying to find a way that lets me open an HTML browser window, click on one of the options, and opens another window of text options.

What's the best way to go about this? Maybe the answer is simple or maybe it can't be done, but I can't figure out a way to make "nexttext" an HTML window.
Well, one issue here is actually that should be src=\ref[src] in the URL, not usr.

I'm a little unclear on the way you want dialogue to work, though. I mean if you just want the user to see text and click a link to respond, maptext can include links now.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Well, one issue here is actually that should be src=\ref[src] in the URL, not usr.

I'm a little unclear on the way you want dialogue to work, though. I mean if you just want the user to see text and click a link to respond, maptext can include links now.

If I say "src", nothing happens when I click the link.

Basically, all I want is when I click the link, for the window to change the text to a similar HTML window like when I talk to the NPC (i.e. var/freddyd1)

"Example. Need Help." is a placeholder because if I make "freddyd2" HTML, just like number 1:
<style>body {background-color: '#000000';color: '#ffffff'}</style>
<title> Freddy </title>
<p style="text-align:center;"><img src="Freddy.png" width="160px" height="160px" /><br>
<b><u>Freddy Shoals</u></b>:</p>
Example Text.

It messes up the link from the first window.

Also, I'm not familiar with maptext.
Best response
I think what you want here is a proc that will build the HTML from a template and provide some links for possible replies. But none of the code you posted above actually hangs together. The tutorial you're working from is really more of a guideline to teach you the fundamentals of working with browser windows.