Keywords: alive, computer, flash, moo, new, still

Poll: Moo?

Moo! 25% (6)
Moo. 12% (3)
Moo? 12% (3)
/\/\00!@!`1`1~!`12 50% (12)

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I haven't been posting much on BYOND lately for various reasons, so just thought I would make a post to tell you all that I'm still alive. I also got a sexy new computer, which I'm not going to illegally download Flash and run the risk of getting a virus. So I'm gonna get a KVM switch and use both computers. New one for gaming and general purpose, and the other for Flash and illegal downloads and such. Until I get that switch, I can't do anything on Flash, which has been making me sad. :(

So, how has everyone else been?

Edit: Because of the CSS, you can't see the poll chioces. Just highlight them until I do it or get someone to do it (namely DarkCampainger) :D
oh wut iz up mang
Lol its spade
"I also got a sexy new computer, which I'm not going to illegally download Flash and run the risk of getting a virus."

How're you gonna get a virus doing that?
Using firefox, turn up all the security settings, turn off java and javascript and make sure you have a firewall and you should be fine grabbing a serial code of a website.

You don't even need any of that to get it safely anyway, but if you're ultra paranoid that should be fine.
<3 DarkCampainger. <333333333333 (cyber penetration)