Well the first one is With skins (.dmf) the second one is with Something I want to do with a skin

Ok, First off I am new to making skins, and I was hoping someone could give me a link to a good tutorial possibly? Any one works. I only saw one on there though, I took a little time to read it but i didn't get much of a tutorial out of it.

Now, The second question is that by using a skin Could I make a Second window exactly like the map but smaller. and have that smaller window lock on to another person in world and follow it around..similar to it being their screen. Also, is there a way to make the second window (the one that would follow the other character around visible to GMs only and allow it to appear/disappear with a verb.

Thanks In advance,
CK Productions
You can set the visibility of windows via winshow(). Make a window called admin. Edit it, right click any where on the grid and uncheck "Visible". Then to make it visible for certain people, use the following:

var/admins = list("CK Productions")

if(src.key in admins) winshow(src,"admin",1)
In response to Siientxx
Ok thanks, But is there a chance i could do that using a verb? To make it like appear and disappear?
In response to CK Productions
Sigh. . . I was hoping that information was enough for you to figure out how to do it yourself. Nonetheless,

#define ON 1
#define OFF 0

mob/var/adminpanel = OFF
if(src.key in admins)
src.adminpanel=ON; winshow(src,"admin",1); return
src.adminpanel=OFF; winshow(src,"admin",0); return

A standard if() would work, but I prefer switch() because it looks more clean and organized. o:
In response to Siientxx
Thanks a lot =]. I'm going to get started on that right now xD