To elaborate on the topic title, I have a snippet of coding that aligns a transparent window to some coordinates. Only the problem is, is it's relative to the player's monitor resolution and not the client. So whenever a player moves DreamSeeker around on their screen, the transparent window stays put when I want it to move with the client.
First, you would need some code that picks up when a window is moved (like Nadrew's Window Manager). Then, you use this snippet:

var/pos = winget(src,"mainwindow","pos")
var/splitter = findtext(pos,",")
var/x = text2num(copytext(size,1,splitter))
var/y = text2num(copytext(size,splitter+1,1))

This could generate a good amount of CPU in an online game, so I would only recommend using it in small projects. One single "move" of the screen can be tens, maybe even hundreds, so that's a lot of procs being called.