(See the best response by Xooxer.)
var list/imgs = new

var list/states = icon_states(icon_file)
for(var/state in states)
imgs[state] = image(icon_file,null,state)

mob/proc/PreloadIcons2Browser() = "Loading [imgs.len] Images"
for(var/i in imgs)
src << browse_rsc(imgs[i],i)

You'd call Icon2Browser() at worldstart as needed.
You'd call PreloadIcons2Browser() when connecting as to allow for icons in the browser.

Problem description:

Trying to take a .dmi file and grab all the current states from inside it, which works, and then I add them to a global variable "imgs" which stores a image created using the icon and state.

However this doesn't seem to work with browse_rsc() as I run into this issue
--> runtime error: bad resource file


Is there an easy way to load an entire icon file into the browse cache so that I can use multiple icon_states within it? Driving me crazy.

While it seems to work for the output, I thought that turning each state into its own /image object would allow to preload it via browse_rsc as it says it accepts images, but it's still only grabbing the 1st frame.

This is how I'm displaying them in the browser.
After changing it from image() to icon() I no longer get the error "bad resource file".

I now get the error "Unable to open cache file.
Unable to open cache file.
Unable to open cache file.
Unable to open cache file."
Best response
id:149413 I think that has the info you want. Something about using /icon and perhaps f_copyrsc(). I'm not on my computer, so can't fiddle with it right now. Check out that thread, though. Seems Lummox already addressed a similar issue.
In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
id:149413 I think that has the info you want. Something about using /icon and perhaps f_copyrsc(). I'm not on my computer, so can't fiddle with it right now. Check out that thread, though. Seems Lummox already addressed a similar issue.

You're awesome, solved my issue.
For those curious.

var list/imgCACHE = new

for(var/state in icon_states(icon_file))
if(!(icon_file in imgCACHE))
imgCACHE[icon_file] = list()
imgCACHE[icon_file][state] = icon(icon_file,state)

var i,j,l = imgCACHE, p
for(i in l)
for(j in l[i]){src << browse_rsc(l[i][j],"[j].png")}

<img src='[i.state].png' width=32 height=32>