It is annoying to say the least to see people just simpling voting down stuff you say on your blog simply to be idiots about it. Is there a way to turn off topic voting and if not, why not?
You cannot turn off voting, but you can hide it with CSS tricks.
In response to Danial.Beta
Why did BYOND implement such a useless option when it serves no real purpose on BYOND member pages? I could understand reviews or something directly related to the gaming community, but just basic stuff that I say on my page, I should be able to disable it without having to result to tricks.
In response to Ham Doctor
*shrugs* but for now:
.post_vote {
.fb_share {

(Disables voting, and Facebook share button visibility[Just in case you hate seeing that as well.]).
In response to Leur
This only hides instead of disabling. People can still vote on your posts by overwriting your CSS locally with something like Greasemonkey or Firebug.
In response to Smoko
Point is, you won't see it because it is hidden, so it doesnt matter anyways.
In response to Leur
They point is it's not actually disabled, which is what you said it did.

Other people will see it, which may make them ignore future posts from people constantly getting low votes. It could also cause problems if BYOND ever decided to alter how the front page is displayed based on yay's and nay's.

They really only seem to exist to add another point to the member feature list. They're mostly a quasi-popularity contest, which is a shame. People shouldn't be subject to that just for having something to say. Even if it doesn't mean anything. A much better option would be allowing members to hide people from their front page.
In response to Smoko
A much better option would be allowing members to hide people from their front page.
They already can, but you're looking in the wrong place. A member's home page is opt-in. =)