(See the best response by Ter13.)

As seen in the description, I'm doing a project where some atoms are light sources and cast a light effect (in practice, other atoms).

This light effect consists of two parts :
- a "light" atom;
- a "shadow" atom.

These light effects are all drawn on a backdrop PLANE_MASTER using KEEP_TOGETHER and BLEND_ADD.

The light source can be picked up by a mob.

When a mob carries a light source, I want, for the best visual effects, the "shadow" atom to glide smoothly with the carrier, but the light atom should perform discrete jumps and not glide.

This does not appear to be possible. Indeed, when one of the atoms gets given a "animate_movement = SLIDE_STEPS" (for instance), it looks like the other atom also gets it.

I am not sure if I'm misunderstanding how to use animate_movement, because I feel there should be a way to get around it.
Best response
You should not be using animate_movement. It's deprecated. Just set their glide_size to the same value and move them in the same tick. For the one who should not glide, set its glide size to tile width.
Oh, I should precise that the project is in TILE_MOVEMENT_MODE. Is it still applicable ? Thanks
It looks like it's working. I'm getting the desired effect.
Thank you!