If you're using a decent browser, you'll notice that I am now a watermelon. My gender image is proof.


For those of you who choose to use crappy browsers, which unfortunately, are said to be used by over 90% of the population, here's a screenshot:

NOTE: 90% of the population is said to use IE. However, IE is not the only crappy browser out there. Therefore, over 90% of the population uses a crappy browser.
*is using IE*
Firefox = gg
What's "gg"? =/
Good game, usually, but web browsing is not a game! This is serious business, and the watermelon proves it!

I can't see it, and no, I'm not using IE (shudder) - I'm using Opera. And Opera rules. Don't insult my browser! =P
Opera rules, in the land of semi-crap browsers. :P
I'm using a milk carton to view your page.
Firefox > Opera > All

Nothing is worse then developing websites for multiple browsers.
I stole Thorg's milk carton and combined it with my FireFox browser to create!....... A computer screen with milk all over it.

firefox/mozilla is better because it supports its own custom style settings which are not part of the standard? many of the complaints against IE are about not following the standards, and having many things that only IE supports.

*Madjarjarbinks eats Wizkidd0123.*
Firefox rocks. And I see no picture. So, it must be whatever you're using that stinks.