It's a short week, so you've got short news to go with it.

I finally cleared the decks of map editor bugs and released 515.1596. So I can go back to the important work of the SendMaps() threading and the garbage collector fixes, I hope. That's not to say we won't accumulate more urgent bugs over the weekend, requiring me to drop everything and get back to that Monday night. I guess that depends on how much testing Higoten has time for.

Some interesting client fixes went in the last release, and an undocumented effort to slightly improve performance on some appearance operations like setting vars by avoiding a creation-and-lookup process if the var didn't actually change.

As I mentioned last week I've been reminded of the need to do a command-line Dream Daemon, but there's also a request for the command-line Dream Maker (id:2836602) that's shooting to the top of my feature list. It's not a new request actually, but to be honest I don't remember where the original is.

Thanksgiving is here, and I'm thankful for all of the BYOND Members and donors who make it possible for me to do all of this. The fundometer is on the light side this month, though, so if you know anyone who isn't a Member, maybe give 'em a nudge to rummage through the couch cushions.

Tomorrow: mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce (the good kind, from a can) and hopefully a cherry pie. Also in the morning I'll be live-blogging the Macy's parade on my blog as usual, so come check it out. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Lummox, and to the rest of y'all here on BYOND.
In response to Inuyashaisbest
Inuyashaisbest wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving Lummox, and to the rest of y'all here on BYOND.

No u.
In response to Inuyashaisbest
Inuyashaisbest wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving Lummox, and to the rest of y'all here on BYOND.