
by Raccoonboy79
Train to become the greatest. Take part or take over. Whose empire will reign supreme? (RPVP Fighting game))
There are four methods of training in this game: training, meditating, blasting and sparring.

Train raises your physical stats.
Meditating raises your resistance and energy.
Blasting raises your force and energy.
Sparring raises your physical stats, offense & defense.

All methods train speed and energy.

After a small amount of time, you will become resilient to the same training method and will need to 'cycle'. Resiliency means your gains are reduced to 10% of the original amount in that specific training method. Therefore you need to switch to another training method. Each training method replenishes the resiliency of other training methods, with each specific interaction listed below.

The basic cycling principles:

Train: Replenishes Meditation and Sparring

Meditate: Replenishes Sparring

Blasting: Replenishes Meditation and Train

Sparring: Replenishes Train and Blasting

Basic cycles:

Cycle 1: TMS

Train -> Meditate -> Spar -> Repeat

Cycle 2: TMB

Train -> Meditate -> Blast -> Repeat

There are more advanced methods of cycling. The only real differences between each cycling method is where your stats are distributed towards when training.

Example: If you are not an energy user, you're going to want to avoid blasting. If you're an energy user, you're going to want to blast as often as you can.

Technicians and Magic users

If you are a technician or a magic user, cycling is not necessary. Use the toggle meditation setting to either intelligence or magic and meditate for as long as you like, with no real consequence, apart from fighting incompetence.