Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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In my recent game jam entry, I found myself doing a lot of overrides to New() to allow easy creation of atoms off the turf grid. --I believe that 490 should have implemented a coordinate datum, which should have x and y values in absolute coordinates and integer z coordinate, and pseudo-variables that allow you to extract tile_x, tile_y, step_x, and step_y values from them.

This would facilitate the following:

* Overhaul New() to natively take a /coord *or* an atom as a loc argument, and simplify the process of doing pixel movement quite a lot.

* movable.Move(coord,Dir), to move to a location and face a specific direction.

* bounds(coord,w,h), obounds(coord,w,h)

* bounds(coords,coords) //grabs all objects overlapping two points

* get_step(coord,dir) //returns turf

* oview/range/hearers/viewers(dist,coord) //boils coords into tiles

* movable.loc = coord shorthand

* atom.coord(anchor), where anchor is 0..15, SOUTHWEST = bottom left corner, NORTHEAST = top right corner, EAST|WEST, NORTH|SOUTH, 0 = center, returns new coordinate of specified bounds anchor point.

* get_dir(coord | atom, coord | atom) //manhattan direction

* get_direction(coord | atom, coord | atom) //direction along 22.5 degree arc sections

* get_dist(coord | atom, coord | atom) //manhattan distance

* get_distance(coord | atom, coord | atom) //pythagorean distance

* bounds_dist(ref, coord | atom) //manhattan bounds distance

* bounds_distance(coord | atom, coord | atom) //pythagorean bounds distance

* get_angle(coord | atom, coord | atom) //arctan dx, dy shorthand

* locate(coords) //grabs the turf at point

* block(coords,coords) //grabs all turfs between two points

Coord should have at least the following methods:

getStep(dir,dist) //returns new coord
getStep(ang=0,dist) //returns new coord
getClamped(x=1,w=world_max_abs_x,h=1,h=world_max_abs_y) //returns new coord
Locate() //returns turf
Bounds(x,y,w,h) //similar to bounds() function

coords would be 1-indexed to match bounds(), but the default Move() override would subtract 1 automatically from them when used.

See my megathread in Design Philosophy: