Bleach Eternity

by Falacy
Bleach Eternity
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
Alright, one day I logged in to BE2 and everybody was asking for an update. Many players said that Falacy had quit coding for BE2 due to the lack of players.

A couple of minutes later, I went on Heroes of Legends to ask him the following "Everybody on Bleach Eternity 2 won't shut up about the updates. They agreed to get 80 players for an update." Falacy replies the follow "800."

About 30 seconds later, Falacy loggs in to Bleach Eternity 2 and sets the max player limit to 999.

To tell the truth, the game used to have 3 servers. Each server had 50 - 130 Players 24/7. Now it is just low on players for around 17 - 36 players. It only becomes 30 - 46 players when the members actually try to recruit for more people to join!

Post in this thread and give an example of how many players we need. 50? 100? 150? 200? Give some examples.
100 Players.
In response to Kingmasherr
Like 60 or 70 on a constant basis and then maybe 100 or 120 at the peak of it? Like on saturday when alot of people are off.
In response to SaiKunai
In response to BxS0ldi3R
There's 30-40 people on every time I play. I think that's a very good player base, considering most games don't near that.

Falacy, you've made a great game. Why not get some iconers/mappers to help out? I think this game could honestly beat Los Noches no problem.
In response to Kerrnon
800 =o