Bleach Eternity

by Falacy
Bleach Eternity
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
Okay I've been messing around with builds, and came up with a so called, unbeatable Kidou build, so I've been messing with melee builds and noticed that they can't even compare. So I looked into why, and its because the Flaw in the melee skills is that the trait Zanjutsu doesn't play a role directly into the melee skills, or ichigo skills, or renji, but the kidou skills, the trait "Kidou" does play a role into the kidou skills, making them "OP" or unfair for melee users.

So I'm asking if that truly is the flaw, or if there were other reason behind Zanjutsu not playing a role in melee skills. If not, I'm asking if you could perhaps, maybe in the next update, if there even will be one, ( haven't been in the forums for about 6 months ), if you could add that into the melee skills

+ STR + Zanjutsu
Don't kidous still have the 3 second cooldown?
In response to Damie904
Doesn't really matter when you can use 5 other kidous that are also OP-ed.

For example its like running using a rocket launcher, then running out of ammo, and picking up a whole nother rocket launcher fully loaded and obliterating everything in your way.
Well, I'm glad I went Kidou then. :P Also, it's spelled "Zangetsu", not "Zanjutsu".
In response to Hirakou
he wasn't talking about Zangetsu. He was talking about the fighting style Zanjutsu.
In response to Tmx85
My kidous aren't working like they are supposed to anymore.
I've respec and changed zanpaktu, no fix. I was wondering if u could test out my kidous are refresh my character. idk something to fix this issue, at lvl 150 not much to do but pvp, now I can't do uhm please help me out Falacy :) Thank you.

Known issues ------------------------------------------------
Skill, restore point - needs 597 rei to use now, before i didn't need any amount to use.

Kidou, blue fireball - usually fires multiple balls, now only fires a single ball.
complete seal - players can still run around when they are sealed and sometimes run through objects.
black coffin - causes major lag at some points. ( i used on my desktop and laptop same results. )