I read on some peoples hubs, even some people's Game comments, That Bobbyawesome has been hacking games to get them,or to destory them.

Here's one i found just recently:

Hacked! Some dude named Bobbyawesome hacked and stole my Pokemon game! (Pokemon Hidden Secrets) Why would they do that... T_T
Posted by Kybuui Kakashi on Saturday, May 23, 2009 08:33AM - 3 comments (link) / Members say: yea +1, nay -0
Keywords: hack

If BYOND Adminenstraters don't start banning people for hacking games that their too lazy to make then how do they expect to keep players on BYOND?I mean seriously we give information about them each day and they don't do anything.
All they get back is , sorry,BYOND doesn't have the willpower to ban people from the website.Yeah, real nice way to keep BYOND up.

What a Shame.
There might be a little misunderstanding on the term 'hack' here. Both, a white hat and a black hat would certainly be proficient enough with programming as to easily create a game on their own, and one far better than most everything they could steal, that is.

Now this leaves three possibilities.
  1. Most likely the person in question shared the source code so somebody else could work on it and the project got leaked
    This is certainly not nice, but is within everybody's own hands and responsibility.
  2. There was no game stolen, but the hub password guessed and medals/scores altered, or a game hosted under the same hub
    In most every such case, the password was insecure.
    BYOND was already forced to have password creation as a must in combination with medals/scores, since people simply did not choose anything.
  3. The person was a so called 'script kiddy' and found some horrible security leak (e.g. somebody else accepting files)
    This is hard to prove, unless you have the means to, like the police would. But everyone should protect herself against such attacks on the internet regardless.

In such a case, a game's comment is certainly the wrong place for such a claim. If you want to contact the BYOND staff, use the support form, nothing else is going to work.
In response to Schnitzelnagler
Alright, Thanks.