Happy Halloween, Feeders!
It's Halloween once again and it's been an entire year since the last official FEED post here! Ghouls and monsters are scary, but the relentless march of time is the real stuff of nightmares. I hope you all had a wonderful Summer (or Winter for those down under!) and are prepared for the changing seasons! I love Autumn; it's my favorite season. Seeing nature shutting down and the leaves changing is magical, but it also tickles a weird existential part of my brain. Just me? Probably.
Anyways, FEED has been in active development for much of the past year! I've made a lot of progress with it and instead of putting together a single player narrative demo this year, I've opted to go ahead and host an ALPHA Multiplayer Test! This is the first proper multiplayer test this iteration of FEED has had and I'm excited to share my progress with you!
So far the game is running much better than I anticipated. A couple bugs cropped up in multiplayer, which was expected, however those have since been patched in v0.6.2. If you check out the server, please remember that this game is still in ALPHA development and is by no means a finished project. Bugs, visual glitches, and unfinished/unpolished content should be expected.
What is FEED?
FEED is an action survival shooter game that puts players in a post-apocalyptic world where inter-dimensional monstrosities are bleeding in from other realities. The old world has fallen, and only a few pockets of humanity remain. Players are newly recruited to a struggling paramilitary resistance group called F.E.E.D. Force - the First Extradimensional Emergency Defense Force - where they will forge a reputation and name of their own through various game modes and missions. Complete side quests, customize your character, and climb the leaderboards!
This is an ambitious project that has a long ways to go before it's finished, but as it's in a playable state - I'm going to start hosting occasional multiplayer test servers to get feedback and gauge multiplayer performance. I hope to see you join us and share your experience and criticisms!
Do you want a BYOND Membership or Discord Nitro?
Here's your chance! Whoever is at the top of the hub leaderboards by the time testing concludes tomorrow afternoon will be the winner of their choice of a BYOND Membership or Discord Nitro. Act quick because there's already a player who's dominating the leaderboards at wave 18 with 742 kills!
That's everything I have to say here!
Thank you to everyone who's continued to support and encourage me and FEED's development! FEED has been my brainchild for well over a decade now, and I'm determined to bring my vision to life and push the limits of what BYOND is capable of. Here's to many more years of FEED!
Stay spooky!
Happy Halloween!
Special thanks to Ter13, F0lak, LummoxJR, Crazah, and SuperSaiyanX for their help and generosity!
Join us on the FEED Discord!