Login and Save System

by VolksBlade
A Simple But Effective Login and Save System
The First of many Systems to be made in order to help new DM Programmers learn the Language of game making that is DM.

This One-Page Login and Save System has easy to understand commenting, along with the following features:

--Current File Check: Checks to see if you currently have a file made, and if it finds one asks if you wish to overwrite it.
--New File: If there is no current file present, lets you make a new file.
--Lacks: It lacks specific functions such as Naming, setting of Icon based on gender, etc. etc. this is meant so you have freedom of creating or using another.

--Check of File: Checks to see if there is a file for deleting, if not then it gives an error message.

--Check of File: Checks to see if there is a file for loading, if not it gives an error message.

--Eh.. Just a simple save verb to save your information etc. etc.