MMK, for all of you people who only program in DM, semicolon's may seem like strange things...

But to all you C++/JAVA know the truth! Without precious semicolons, millions of people could die!!!(scenario below)

Let's assume, that there is a guy creating a big update for the entire internet all over the world...yes 1 single guy. (He got beaten up in school for being so damn nerdy). So, he's making his update in JAVA, and say he forget's a semicolon, but pay's no mind to it, and updates the world.

So, now the internet everywhere in the world crashes because 1 guy misses a semicolon! It ruined a simple task he programmed, and now all the computers in the world have crashed, especially the HOSPITAL COMPUTERS.

Now doctors have no clue whatsoever what medicines their patients need! And millions and millions of people die, because of a DAMN SEMICOLON >>>>>>;<<<<<< (it's uber, don't mess with it)

Well, I have to go now, it's worship semicolon's time, so peace out!
*kills you with ;*
Btw, your backround should say, "Iwill rape you", isntead of I will eafeat you.
Realistically, missing a semicolon would give a compile error.
Unknown Person wrote:
Realistically, missing a semicolon would give a compile error.

Ooh beat me to it.
Possibly, but I haven't tried it, but there is a way to compile JAVA with the command prompt, and I am unsure of if that would show errors...

if i had a nickel for everytime my java environment wouldnt compile because i used a : instead of a ; accidentally, id have like.. a roll or 2 of em. Java is lame.
Yeah- I'm not sure what compiler you're using, but every Java/C++ compiler I've used (I hate Java, but I've been forced to use one before) have error'd out on me because I missed a semicolon.
Well, if you get the JDK, there is a method of compiling with the "cmd" or command prompt, I don't use it, I use Jcreator...
If you keep abusing the apostrophe like that, you'll become a victim of beaten punctuation syndrome.
apostrophe? who? lol
Just use Python. Then instead of worrying about superfluous semicolons, you can worry about the important things: tabs!