Post your comments here!
hey add me
I do not like being lumped in with those other undesirable members of your little community. I do not know you, nor you me. I have nothing against Liens nor DBG and I would like it if you would stop talking about me like I was some infectious leper. Thank you for your time and I hope that being a mature adult is a strong suit of yours.
In response to Ichiban_Overlord
Ichiban_Overlord wrote:
I do not like being lumped in with those other undesirable members of your little community. I do not know you, nor you me. I have nothing against Liens nor DBG and I would like it if you would stop talking about me like I was some infectious leper. Thank you for your time and I hope that being a mature adult is a strong suit of yours.
wow uhh ok then srry ichi
Thank you.
Fuck you m8 talkin shit on my shoutbox, find me irl i'll mess you up dissin me like that when I don't even know you. Step off son, you ain't want to take to these streets