From this:

desc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus \
vulputate libero nec ante. Cras tristique suscipit ipsum. Class aptent \
taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos \
hymenaeos. Morbi dignissim purus sed turpis. Suspendisse rhoncus eros id \
erat venenatis dignissim."

desc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla \
lacus mauris, lobortis et, pellentesque a, lacinia vel, justo. Proin \
feugiat. Maecenas odio lorem, condimentum nec, euismod vitae, cursus \
in, nisl. Sed consectetuer vehicula nunc. Etiam eget dolor. Morbi a dui."

input_type = OPTION_RADIO

choices = list("Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3")
choice_descs = list(
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit")

desc = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed sit \
amet enim quis velit dictum rhoncus. Donec dictum risus nec turpis. \
Donec tempus, urna a feugiat congue, risus dolor semper leo, iaculis \
facilisis purus lorem in felis. Maecenas pellentesque."

input_type = OPTION_SLIDER

min_bound = "Low"
middle_bound = "Mid"
max_bound = "High"

To this:

More forthcoming!
Looks slick! You might check out DreamMakers?command=view_post&post=38397 (UpForm) for comparison.
Gughunter wrote:
Looks slick! You might check out upForm for comparison.

I actually already did, but jt_options is sort of in a niche of its own. It's intended to provide a simple way of configuring game options; it works by taking in a list of /option instances, building a form from those instances, waiting for the user to make tweaks, then modifying the variables of the instances based on the input from the form. Any changes to an option are passed through option/SetValue() so the developer can have the game react to the changes in real time.

It's actually intended to be for my own purposes, but since I need it in three projects now I decided to build it as a library; if anyone can find good use of it for their own benefit, they can be my guest! =)
It looks neat, if for no other reason than the slider control grabbed my attention. Is that built in to BYOND? I don't recall seeing it. And does it support tick marks and such, per the Windows control?
Not built into BYOND, and no, it doesn't support tick marks. I'm using a Javascript Slider control, which reverts to a text input if Javascript is disabled.

There's a Yahoo! Slider out there as well which does support tick marks, but I'm not sure how it handles a lack of Javascript.