Pokemon Phantom Reborn

by Aceraptor
The second game in the Pokemon Phantom Generation.
1. New Map
2. Fixed.
3. Fixed.
4. Player base has increased.
5. Added, have been for a while.
6. Added.
7. NPCs make the game seem not deserted, not feasible.
8. Added.
9. Not added as of yet.
10. Not added.
11. Is done by an admin periodically.
Thank you for your suggestions!
Applies to:
Status: Resolved

This issue has been resolved.
1. More towns,
2.Help button is fixed, when I press it it is like a new screen popping up that I can't close out, I have to marco save and relog.
3. Ponds are fixed, I know how to make them temp. but not perm.
4. More players, I don't want to play games with 2-4 players.
5.Team groups, (Police,Team Rocket,Team Galatic,etc.)
6. More pokemon, I wan't at least more than 5+ of every type of pokemon
7. Less NPC's, unless they have a centilmental value, they confuse me when I started and I didn't know where to go.

I am not trying to be rude or talk trash about your game, I am just putting some reccimendations.

I have some more I just thought of,
8. A battle rink for normal players to fight.
9. A countdown for people to fight with (connected to battle rink).
10.A big maze filled with riddles and jokes. Rare candy(or something you like) at the end.
11. Special events,(they will cause more players to come)
i have a suggestion

12. make teams suck as team rocket, team magma, aqua.....etc.
Loving the suggestions I am keeping them all in mind while i work on the game
I already talked to you about this but

-Individual Sendouts (Gymleader, and Elite Fours Only)
Logananthony resolved issue with message:
1. New Map
2. Fixed.
3. Fixed.
4. Player base has increased.
5. Added, have been for a while.
6. Added.
7. NPCs make the game seem not deserted, not feasible.
8. Added.
9. Not added as of yet.
10. Not added.
11. Is done by an admin periodically.
Thank you for your suggestions!