Keywords: fortay

Poll: What feature should be added?

AI 41% (10)
More Maps 8% (2)
More Factions and Units 12% (3)
Bigger Maps 4% (1)
Co-operation 4% (1)
Team Deathmatch 20% (5)
Scoreboard System 8% (2)

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Though for some bizarre reason I am getting busier, which gives me less time to work on Fortay. I am still trying my hardest to produce weekly updates around Wednesdays and Thursdays. I really want to add everything in each update but I realize this is not a reality, so I have decided to construct a poll on what I should work on the most for the 1.4 release. Here are the options:

Though it will take a while to implement, this seems to be one of the most wanted and helpful features to add in.

More Maps
As of right now there are only four maps, I will most likely add in a few more if another feature was picked. But if this one has the most votes I will try to add in at least seven new maps.

More Factions and Units
Right now there are three Factions and about fifteen Units; hopefully I can get around three new factions done with about a total of thirty-five units.

Bigger Maps
Currently, the maps are 21 by 21. I want bigger maps for the bigger Faction battles.

Co-operation (2 vs. 2)
This would probably work better with bigger maps, but the teams will consist of two player. Each player can select their own team, in which there could be a potentially of 40 units on field.

Team Deathmatch
Let’s say I created a server with a max of three units per team. Up to five more players can join in filling in those unit’s spaces.

Scoreboard system
Potentially the easiest thing to add in which should be already in, but it is not. A scoreboard system which reports the top players who have played the game and also shows users rank and wins/loses.

From what I have seen and heard, the game shows no signs of lag even with many battles going on at once, which I am extremely happy over.

Have any other ideas? Feel free to make a psot about that idea explaining it in fgraet detail. Who knows, it could possibly be in the next update!
A scoreboard system is necessary to create meaning outside of one-shot games.

AI is good if you want to play on your own, but it would get boring without additional game modes.

Work on different game modes first, then put in AI and create two scoreboards, one for AI games and another for multi-player.
Healers that don't heal the other team.
When you get around to programming Artificial Intelligence you can contact me for some help and advice.

E-Mail: [email protected]
Co-op with a decent map for the it, but instead of the default units you can have make it where you can only choose 1 so you have to work cooperative.

Scoreboard for those that have something to work for other then just fighting so they can be number 1.

and what happened to that assassin you were gonna put in for me? :p
The Sender, I believe adding in AI first would be much easier on my side than adding in the game modes and then putting the AI in.

SuperAntX, you kind of have to use "tactics" if you don't want to heal the other team. Having the Clerics just healing the unit you click on ruined the game originally.

KodeNerd, thank you for the offering and I will get in contact with you once I start on the AI.

Emfulz, that's a good idea for the co-op. Also I already added in the assassin a long time ago. Though I need to rebalance him once again. wrote:
SuperAntx, you kind of have to use "tactics" if you don't want to heal the other team. Having the Clerics just healing the unit you click on ruined the game originally.

What's tactical about moving away from the enemy? Nothing, it's just fucking annoying.
You see SuperAntx, originally all people did was attack and heal that attacker, which extend the game by a huge amount. Almost everyone despised it and recommended a fix for it. So I create a "heal blast radius".

There is some sort of "tactics", not much but a lot more than the original way. You will have to make a choice; if you run away you will be risking a enemy unit to do a ranged attack on you and also losing a attack turn for both units (Healer and Healed). Or you could make your unit not run but instead stay and heal both the enemy and your team, hoping that the enemy's health has not gone up too high.

No one else has complained about this feature and some have even liked it a lot. So I highly doubt I’ll change it just because one person does not like it, sorry. wrote:
No one else has complained about this feature and some have even liked it a lot. So I highly doubt I’ll change it just because one person does not like it, sorry.

Because balance is determined by opinions rather than stats and abilities working in synergy, right?
Having a unit which only heals that one character each turn when it's damaged is balanced, sure. </sarcasm>

I'm going to keep it this way, it's slightly more balanced than the original way also. I'm not going to add something to the game that more people dislike than like. wrote:
Having a unit which only heals that one character each turn when it's damaged is balanced, sure.

That's why you kill the healer first. You always kill the healer first.