Keywords: articles, resources
I have just finished writing a tutorial on bit flags, and how to manipulate them for your advantage. The link is here:

Hopefully people will realise the advantages to bit flags, and learn about them.

Any comments or questions are welcome to the comments box.

[edit] 20/1/06

Since the article was added to BYONDscape recently, disregard the above link and go to this link instead. It is a revised version:
1. In your 'or' example you should have | and not &.

2. Your exclusive or description is very confusing:

"If the bits are on, the resulting bit is turned on. Otherwise, it is off. This includes if both of them are on."

Perhaps something like this: "If both bits you're comparing are the same, the result is 0. "

3. You small example in DM code for complement is wrong. ~5 is definitely not 12, but rather 65530 for 16 bit numbers. :)
Thanks, tenkuu. I fixed those errors, and made the XOR operator less confusing to read.