Beyblade Elite

by Fat Albert
We now have bitbeast,Cyber bitbeast, a hud from when battling, also team battling , and alot more come join.
i will host when i am on laptop and that always
I really like it i wanna play it as well
damn I remember playing this with SSJason... Demore back in 2005... how time flies
Here u guys have a unoficial byond hub (Here u can find naruto,dragon ball,bleach games, and rips that are not listed on byond hub) :
- We got over 70 + games
- 200+ users evry day vist us site
- Its free, Private
- U can gain easy acces to games
- The hub is uptaded evry day

It would be nice if u send this link to u friends, put it on u game etc...
Hello, I host this game 24/7.
Fan Doniu Host:

And me here:

Also, this is hub for Doniu Host: (in alpha test, still not even read, but in future it will lunch)

If you got any questions, want something from me - PM :-}
*If somone would like to adversite my hosting - feel free to do it.
** Owner of this game/program, you have done a good job.
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