Coming into the new year has left us without a server on which to host, and we would really love it if we could start raising money for a server. We can't host our crap without one and are looking to you to give us a hand! Please include your key if/when you donate so we can properly thank you a million times.

Chris's Edit

Chris is willing to sell himself through his programming, CSS, graphic design skills in order to raise moniez!
Host it yourself? Or find a person that can host >_>
Yash 69 wrote:
Host it yourself? Or find a person that can host >_>

Why do you try your best to post annoying things, i'm quite sure i told you a long time ago why we'll use a shell. Matter a fact it was you who drove me to the decision.
Yash 69 wrote:

Shocker? =P

Anyways though I would be more then happy to assist with donations but I am not able to do paypal transfers through my bank(Hence why I entered contests). Best of luck to you fellows though.
I think this is one of those things where if you can't afford it, don't bother. There are alternatives I'm sure you can work out. You could get a job and pay for it yourself, but if you depending on people to pay to host a game, that no one has really played. Good luck :)
Lord of light wrote:
I think this is one of those things where if you can't afford it, don't bother. There are alternatives I'm sure you can work out. You could get a job and pay for it yourself, but if you depending on people to pay to host a game, that no one has really played. Good luck :)

Thats kinda what I suggested but in a different sense
Also, you don't need paypal. Just when it ask you to login there's an option to pay without creating an account. So yeah.
Donated 15. :)