Megaman: Battle over the Network

by Gojan
Megaman: Battle over the Network
You can Search over the network, Kill Viruses,Compete in missions and much more, Check inside.
<(~.~<) ^(~.~)^ (>~.~)>
-.-........ back to the grave !
Hi Gojan, i seee... :]
In response to Gojan
Gojan wrote:
the legendary Megaman: Battle over the Network is back... time to invtie ppl!
is this game gonna be online soon?
Could you release host files or source files?
I run one russian fan group about MMBN and would like to let people play this game once again.
They won't release the file's even if you begg for it XD
And its sad but the game will probally never get bussy again, because there won't be updates and there will be no updates because there are no players.
and so goes the cycle ...
mhm, grimm-grimm, got my msn? msg me sometimes(skype)
The host files of this game will never be released to public, neither will the source files.
i'd rather say the truth,
My source files got whiped duo i quit byond, and i am making a new megaman game on c+,
sounds cool and promising can't wait to see it ^^
hmm i don't have any msn anymore, lets see if i still got you on skype ... if i still remember my pasword for it XD
blanket get off this forum bitch !
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