Arctic Cordillera

by Proto100
This is my Geography project; A board game about the Arctic Cordillera of Canada&Geography facts. At last I have finished. Available for download.
A board of about Canadian Geography.

Players will decide to race or take turns to make it to the end of the maze in this game.
Is active development of this game still continuing?

I also question the use of this game as a BYOND Casual game. If the questions are static, once you've finished the game once, you can easily record your answers and finish it again and again.

Trivia games are Casual enough, but only when there's enough diversity in the trivia questions that it can stay random enough without recording the answers too often.

The use of the map is also unnecessary unless it's a race.
Someone seems to have tampered with the game name. This game used to be called Arctic somethingorwhatever
After logging in to BYOND after awhile I can say this the name was tampered with. I don't recall ever renaming it. To answer Tiberath's question (after 4 years lol) development is not continuing, this game was a simple game I made for a grade 9 project.

For the record this game was originally called Arctic Cordillera