This is a video about elementary logic, rationality and the scientific method. It is centered around the idea of open-mindedness and explains rationality in a way that even elementary school kids should be able to follow. It is great for any person on BYOND (with some person in mind but I cant say who) who claims to love rationality as a core tenet, and yet ignores counter-arguments and believes with extreme arrogance that their idea is right without any evidence to back it up. For you [person-X], maybe some day you will learn not to ban everybody from your blog with a different perspective than you or who offer counter-arguments to your severely flawed ones. I always felt you could use a basic logic101 lesson and this will probably do nothing because you are close-minded, but its worth a try.

On a sidenote, this video is fantastic for everybody, its just a good way of challenging your own perspectives and your own belief that you are rational or have a balanced perspective. Logic stuff is always nice because it doesnt offend it just informs.
Haha, nice edit.
That video was pretty interesting, thanks for posting it.