Dbz Supernova

by Raildriver
Dbz Supernova
+++UPDATED: 4/09/08+++ With new renovations coming, This new upcoming version will allow more customization, and have many more quests.

4/09/2008- (Lilley) Working on updates and Revamps to the systems and playing. Im coming back people. Prepare for an all new gaming revolution

Begin Playing Supernova TODAY!!!


Owned by=
Lilley159 - Owner of Reliable Chaos Inc
Wester Faust - Owner Of Supernova

Need A perma Host

Need a New Iconer. Talk to Lilley if you want the job

Other Admin=
Kaiton- Always a Crowd Fav
Peteice, - Haha only one word fits Pete, Sister...
Raziel - Newest Mod, Hes working hard and sucking up

**There are other mods, they just dont log in enough for powers or special recognition**

+++++Special Credits+++++
---Raildriver/Wester Faust - Good friend...Started Supernova
---Dev - Special contributions from the X ages
---Lilley - Newest coder to the force, owns Reliable Chaos Inc, took over Supernova projects

When it's finalized...
It will have All DB - GT Sagas, All Techs known, All races known, and all transes known. alive!