Since Efencea employs XML files for it's balancing, as of the latest couple releases. It is now within the power of those capable of editing XML to modify quite a few unit and tower stats.

I'm going to be designing a few new maps and would like some people to help with the next balance. If you've played the latest release you may have noticed that there is only one map available. This is due to the balance being modeled for Straight Forward. The issue I have is that I'm on dial-up and can't properly test the game with others. As such, I had to rely on the AI, which isn't finished, to help me determine unit stats.

That's where you come in. Those willing to help would get a copy of the game with new maps available and would need to play/host and tweak the XML until a balance across the new maps has been found. Of the balance testers only one would need to be able to host, since, I'd like it if a small group of people would volunteer and work together to get a reasonable balance worked out.

So, if you're interested in being among the first people to get to toy around on new maps, you know how to modify XML, and would like to help out with Efencea, leave a comment, I'll be in touch from there.
I'd like to help out. ;)
I'm really only up for playing single player, but I'm notoriously good at balancing stuff and I love fiddling with stats.

Although I see a few problems with Efencea as far as balance is concerned in that all the towers cost the same (1 point), and the typical standby of tower defense games, where units get progressively stronger throughout the game, is nonexistant. If a wave of units can't make it through, that wave will never be able to make it through, regardless of how many of them you send.

I'd also like to know if there's any resistances for certain units from certain towers.

No resistances, although I've considered it. You can see all the modifiable stats if you peruse the .xml files. We've also been working on going away from the single point cost. I'd love to see what you can come up with for Efencea's balance. :)

I'll have to see about bumping up the AI. There are a few things I can think of to make it a more challenging opponent.
