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For screen-shots of the game, click here: FlameGuardian?command=view_post&post=73091

Since I'm trying to think of a name for my new game to the XI series. And since not many people got to play Crisis XI(before it got destroyed) which pretty much explained everything... I wrote up a brief description of the XI series, there is a lot more information to show but this should explain some of it. I'd like to see some people help me think of names for my current title, so if you do actually read this... Help me think up a title?(The game is a fighter).

Story Line
The solar system in which you take place in is known as "Xiedus", it consists of 12 planets. Planet XI is the most populated planet throughout the solar system.

When humans first traveled to this solar system, they found a new race which was much alike them, known as the "Zetons". This being the first new race Humans came by, they learned a lot about some other alien races from the Zetons. They taught them of the other races, cultures and architecture on different planets throughout this system. Since this was the only system after hundreds of years of searching that humans could live on, they set up camp on a planet that the Zetons allowed them to live on. The Zetons spoke of a virus that killed their ancestors that lived there. The humans set up camp on this planet "XI" and found many ruins of the ancient culture that lived there.

After a couple thousand years, the humans became adapted to this system and between the entire system developed different Factions. Although, they struggled a lot in the start. Around the first 400 years or so, there was only one grand alliance. All the groups in the alliance possessed their own grand techniques and powers. There were two groups of Zetons, some used magic abilities and were very religious known as the Protectors. There was also the Hunters, the other Zeton group which were masters of the blade.

The race known as the "Garions" did not possess as much human features as the Zetons did, they were like a cross of a human and multiple prehistoric birds. They were said to be able to command the wind, and being in all different shapes and sizes, they all fight very differently. The other groups were the "Polaxie", a group of human-like beings which were cold-blooded killers. They believed in purifying the universe to only those who could use the great powers that they can, which is to conjure/manipulate ice which was their own race of Polaxie.

There was also the "Zauls" who were a group of human expert scientists and mechanics which designed their own robotic creatures, they believed they could make their own Artificial Intelligence someday. Now, this great alliance had 3 small groups to worry about which was the "Sayaxe" who were a group of humans thieves, murders and other criminals. The "Finale" which was another human group, but were masters of combat in every way, it'd take 5 average soldiers to add up into one member of Finale. Finally, the "Exiles" that were beings that were not accepted anywhere. They believed in a greater justice, but mainly kept to themselves.

Well, after another 600 years there was many tragedies and things that happened. The great alliance died off, 99% of the Zeton population died in a major tragedy that was unknown. Their host planet somehow errupted with thousands of explosions and than it's inner core blew up itself. Also, a disease spread through Planet XI that made many people go insane. It was a parasite found in one of the ancient ruins that can influence it's host to do whatever it desires, although it makes the host much more powerful over how much of the parasite he consumes. Although if you consume too much, you'll have no control over your own body. The last tragedy was that the new A.I made by the Zauls finally was finished. Unfortunately, this A.I believed that the Zauls were using them for their own wars, so the A.I retaliated and killed off the Zauls.

After all these horrible events... There were now two factions. One consists of the Finale, Polaxie and remaining Zetons and the humans who wanted to learn their ways. The other faction consisted of the Sayaxe, the Zaul A.I and the "Exileons" which is a group formed mainly by the Exiles. The Exileons created their own human-size Mecha Suits so anyone no matter how disabled can become a warrior for them. Now, these two factions are not only fighting off each-other, but trying to protect themselves from the virus taking control of people and it's corrupt humans that it has taken control of. Also, if you're wondering what happened to the Garions, they've set up temples around the system and only want peace for one another. So, that's it. It's complete chaos and war throughout the system, how will it be resolved?