So, I've been downloading a lot of add-ons that I like, and came across one that I didn't know, which means, no more getting rick roll'd

If you want this add-on, search for "CoolPreviews"

If you already have this, I didn't even know it existed, I searched all over for a add-on like this, I guess I missed it?

Mine apparently came with it. :O
I dled mine today before you even made this post!
AdBlock Plus is more useful.

Combine it with Flashblock and you're protected from pretty much every type of spam imaginable.
I use AdBlock Plus, NoScript, and Flashblock.

AdBlock Plus and Flashblock stop pretty much any spam, and NoScript simply allows me to control what I want to see and what scripts I want to run from websites.
sup with u and firefox >.<?
i use the ussaly security ones like AdBlock Plus, NoScript, and Flashblock.

here are couple that make firefox so much better. firefox.png

oh and when i was talking about the "gives the ability to change" i was talking about Stylish.
with Stylish, u can edit or upload edits to pages css. Basically make sites look better or take out the same adds.