(See the best response by LordAndrew.)
i have a .dmi file with about 700 icons in there. i made another icon in that file and then went to the map editor and generated instances of icon states. for some reason, my made icon is not displaying in that list, but i verified that the icon i made exists inside of the .dmi file. why is my icon not displaying?

Did you give it a unique icon_state name? If the names matches the name of something else in the same file, it might be bad.

Also, most people would not recommend having 700 icon states in a single icon file.
Best response
Did you compile your project? You need to compile for it to update and show the icon_state exists.
In response to LordAndrew
LordAndrew wrote:
Did you compile your project? You need to compile for it to update and show the icon_state exists.

You can also just click "Update", in the editor (path tab), I believe.
yes, i see the icon now. in the map editor, i was looking at the end of the file for my generated icon and i never knew that it sorted the list from a to z