BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
Web Browser:Google Chrome 19.0.1084.52
Applies to:Website
Status: Resolved (web)

This issue has been resolved.
I can't delete posts from my created hubs,

Or my personal page.

But if I move it to a different topic;

I can delete it just fine.

Have you tried pressing the blue rubbish bin?
There's no blue rubbish bin on other peoples' posts, unless I move them to a different thread.

I thought the screenshots were pretty clear.
The screenshots do have blue rubbish bins, though.
In response to Complex Robot
Complex Robot wrote:
The screenshots do have blue rubbish bins, though.

Only for her own posts. You'll notice on the replies, she only has the option to ban them.

I would say this is a bug. Does the delete option appear for posts that others start? If so, that would suggest you can only delete "root" posts by other people, and not replies.
I definitely recall being able to delete individual posts. It's a bug, I'd say. Maybe the button disappeared when the reattach function was added.

I just checked the page source for a topic of my own, with a post by someone else; the delete button is in the html, it's just not appearing on the actual page.

For this post:

It's the third line of HTML.
It's clearly missing "require_forum_admin_mode_inline", while every other forum-mod thing has it.
//quote & reply
<span class="reply_to_comment forum_entry_action"><a class="post_icon quote" title="Quote" href="/members/SuperSaiyanX?command=reply_to_comment&amp;quote=1&amp;forum=3224&amp;comment=403492" name="reply_to_403492" onClick="sendRequest('command=reply_to_comment_ajax&quote=1&forum=3224&comment=403492&comment_num=12','comment_status_403492','comment_403492'); return false;">[Quote]</a></span>
<span class="reply_to_comment forum_entry_action"><a class="post_icon reply" title="Reply" href="/members/SuperSaiyanX?command=reply_to_comment&amp;forum=3224&amp;comment=403492" name="reply_to_403492" onClick="sendRequest('command=reply_to_comment_ajax&forum=3224&comment=403492&comment_num=12','comment_status_403492','comment_403492'); return false;">[Reply]</a></span>

//delete, the problem here is the class setting, \
it's missing "require_forum_admin_mode_inline", \
which is needed to show up for forum admins/hub owners, \
and not just BYOND moderators.

<span class="delete_comment forum_entry_action require_admin_mode_inline"><a class="post_icon delete" title="Delete" href="/members/SuperSaiyanX?command=delete_comment&amp;forum=3224&amp;comment=403492&amp;hash=[myhash]" name="delete_403492" onClick="var answer=confirm('Really DELETE this comment?'); if(!answer) return false; sendRequest('command=delete_comment_ajax&forum=3224&comment=403492&hash=[myhash]&comment_num=12','comment_status_403492','comment_403492'); return false;">[Delete]</a></span>


<span class="edit_comment forum_entry_action require_forum_admin_mode_inline require_admin_mode_inline"><a class="post_icon edit" title="Edit" href="/members/SuperSaiyanX?command=edit_comment&amp;forum=3224&amp;comment=403492&amp;hash=[myhash]" name="edit_403492" onClick="sendRequest('command=edit_comment_ajax&forum=3224&comment=403492&hash=[myhash]&comment_num=12','comment_status_403492','comment_403492'); return false;">[Edit]</a></span>


<span class="forum_entry_action require_forum_admin_mode_inline"><a class="post_icon attach" title="Reattach" href="#" onclick="return reattachform({comment:403492});">[Reattach]</a></span>


<span class="forum_entry_action require_forum_admin_mode_inline"><a class="post_icon ban" title="Ban Foomer" href="#" onclick="banform('Foomer','[myhash]',87241,3224,{status:'comment_403492_status',result:'forum_entry_87241'}); return false;">[Ban]</a></span>
I moved the thread to bug reports, as it's looking like a bug.
Lummox JR resolved issue