Keywords: output
(See the best response by Kickstar My Heart.)
Problem description:

Hello, i would like to make two separate output windows for my game. One for normal Game Output and one for Chat output. how would i go about doing something like this? I saw a demo showing how to do it a long time ago but now i cant find it..I hate when that happens :(

Thank you.
Best response
for that you need to create a skin.
and place 2 output. one for the chat and one for the game marked as the default output game

in the verb of the chat you use the output process.
this process works something like

output("your msg","the name of the output")

mob/verb/Chat(Mensaje as text)
world<<output("[usr] Dice:[Mensaje]","Chat")
oh wow, thats way easier than i thought it would be. I assumed i was going to have to go through every bit of game output and change each one. Making a verb for chat is way easier lol. i complicate things sometimes.

Thank you for the help! i got it working!