Keywords: dynamic, proc, static, var
(See the best response by DarkCampainger.)
Alright, let's say you have a proc, that once triggered, has a dynamic or constantly changing return value, and this value is stored in a var.

Now, normally this would result in a dynamic var, but what if you want a static one?

My question is: Can you get a var to store a static value at a specific moment during the execution of such a dynamic proc, and if so, how?

For example, what if you want a var to store the initial value of a changing proc, or perhaps you want to store its value after 5 ticks; what might you do to accomplish that, if you have no other way of obtaining the value?

Is something like this even remotely possible, or is it just my imagination?
The only way this seems possible is to have a list of all the values.
Best response
Can you give an example use-case? I don't understand what you're trying to describe. A variable won't change unless you change it. If you want to return more than one value, you could return a list of them as Tubutas suggested. If you want to return a value before the process returns, you could pass in a reference-type (list, datum, atom, ect) and change its values.