(See the best response by DarkCampainger.)
Problem description:

my question is about creating a code that makes a character with all his clothes and a larger one example would be 64x64 or 96x96.

I tried to do with Scale but this does not work in Tiled_Icon_Map. how could do that with this map format?

look at the image
Best response
TILED_ICON_MAP is depreciated, and you should update your game to use TOP_DOWN_MAP.

Scale() does work in TILED_ICON_MAP, but it's a bit more difficult. When you scale an icon, it's broken up into tiles according to the normal TILED_ICON_MAP format (eg "0,0" "1,0" "2,0" and so on)

What you need to do is:

A) Loop through the scaled icon's icon_states
B) Create a /image object for that state and icon
C) Parse the state names to get the offset, multiply them by the world's icon_size, and use those as pixel_x/y values for that state's image
D) add the images as overlays to whatever object you want to have the larger icon.

It's actually just a couple lines of code, but I would still say it's worth updating to TOP_DOWN_MAP.
thank you very much for your answer helped me a lot!
problem solved, changed map format TOPDOWN_MAP