Keywords: rand

Problem description:

I keep always getting one single number. Maps.len = 2. I've outputted it and checked it. The length is two, but the second map is ALWAYS chosen. Never is the first map chosen. Either it's just tails every single time, or does the rand not use the lower bound number?
Try this:
src << "rand(1, [Maps.len])"
for(var/n in 1 to 10)
src << rand(1, Maps.len)

The rand() proc does include both bounds, so it should be working.
Yeah, that works but still every time it does the 2nd one. It's crazy.
Update: I changed Maps.len to the number 2 and it finally went to the first one. Changed it back and went back to the second one >:( but finally. it was just a string of bad luck.