Action RPG Framework

by Forum_account
Action RPG Framework
A framework for developing action RPGs.
Not Feasible
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Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
How about having bars when changing variables like sound and stuff?
I've been kicking around the idea of making a generic on-screen menu. It'd be similar to prompt() in that it shows the menu on the screen, the player makes a choice, and a value is returned. But, it'd be displayed differently. It'd look like the game menu or character selection menu.

If I do add this, I could have different types of "controls" for each slot in the menu. You could make each row of the menu an option you can select, or a slider bar, etc. If I have to add the ability to make a slider bar for this, I could replace what's currently in the sound menu, but this isn't a high priority.
okey, was just wondering but still nice job doing all those things
Forum_account resolved issue (Not Feasible)
I'd rather not add this now. I'm trying to keep the interface keyboard-only and having slider bars for these options would create more of a need for mouse support.

If I do add mouse support later on this will be much more practical.
i was thinking it a way where you just use left and right arrow key to increase or decrease the bar ammount
Right, it would work the same way as it does now it'd just be a more graphical way of showing the value. The problem is that if people see a graphical slider bar they'll want to be able to click and drag on it to change the value. I'm hesitant to add mouse support so I'd rather not add things that suggest it has mouse support.
oh ok, i was only suggesting becase emulators like Visual Boy advance( For GBA) dont have mouse support, the game only works with keyboard and that was the thing