If anything it reminded me of Breath of Fire IV.
^ The only game I love more than Fire Emblem. God you guys are on the money today! lmfao. Yeah I wanted to use the low contrast style of BoF4 for this game, because I loved it so much as a kid... It just makes me feel at home - plus no one ever does it, I'm tired of the super bright pink and purple bases with the neon green grass tiles... Jeez, take it down a notch lmfao.
I can't believe you're making an animal game and left out frogs, dude. That just really depresses me.
Breath of Fire. <3
So many good memories.
If you had read the TBA list, you would have noticed that I had Frogs planned for future updates :)

and yes BoF fans unite <3.
TBA list:
Crows / Ravens
Monkeys / Gorillas



Crocodiles / Alligators


Don't see no frogs.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Don't see no frogs.

He obviously didn't take Narto as seriously as he should have...
I wrote it in the notepad then my bad. Either way there will be frogs...
In response to Zete
Then ET will be satisfied.
They better be the most OP class in the game too.
I loved BoF4's artstyle, I'm glad your doing something similar, it's not an often used style in games.

PS: Wolf tribe is my favorite of the laguz, so I can't wait to see the wolf race.
That art reminds me a lot more of FFT.
For whoever wants to keep up with the game a bit more closed up; http://s4.zetaboards.com/Pokemon_Z/forum/3847316/ that's our forums section for it. I'll be posting updates on progress and maybe even closed testing when we get to that point, along with mocks and all that good stuff ;)
Here's the games map - and we put a mock up in the forum.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
I want this NOW!
Haha, I love the names of the countries! Japan= Napaj, India= Aidni, Mogolia=Ailognom... love this!
In response to A2J2TIWARI
A2J2TIWARI wrote:
Haha, I love the names of the countries! Japan= Napaj, India= Aidni, Mogolia=Ailognom... love this!

Not only that, he flipped the real world geography upside down and sideways. ;)
In response to Truseeker
Truseeker wrote:
A2J2TIWARI wrote:
Haha, I love the names of the countries! Japan= Napaj, India= Aidni, Mogolia=Ailognom... love this!

Not only that, he flipped the real world geography upside down and sideways. ;)

Just realized that too! Clever person! Haha
In response to Zete
Zete wrote:
^ kay, I'll anticipate some waiting.

last few mocks I do for the base, now I'm moving onwards :) Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I see SSJ1 Goku, SSJ3 Goku, SSJ4 Goku and Vegeito. I also see SSJ4 Vegeta.
Haha you guys actually figured it out kinda early, wasn't expecting most people to figure it out :P

And Lool not my fault that my entire artistic career is where it is thanks to Dragon Ball, that's where my roots come from... Where I began :) So yeah, similiarities may occur xD
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