Dragonball Z X-Treme Kingz

by Fenerbace
Dragonball Z X-Treme Kingz

Player Rules
1. No Caps
2.Dont Ask For GM
3.No Spamming
4.Talk to me if someone banned you without Warning
5.Have Fun
6.No Multikeying
7.No AFK Training Self Train allowed

GM Rules
1.First Warn Then Boot then Bann when sumeone is doing shit
2.Dont edit
3.If i find out your editing someone or yourself youŽll get Banend for ever
4.Dont Abuse
5.No Multikeying
6.Nobody have a Permission to Premote or Demote Players

Owner/Coder = Fenerbace Key:(Fenerbace)
Co-Owner = Roy Key: (Crakenguy)
Host = Blackey Key:(Blackey)
Iconner = (Free Poisition) Apply in Forum