Well, I don't know if fangames will be allowed after the "BETA" has ended, so I wanted to ask it on the Forum, any idea :S ?
Only approved hub entries ('listed' or 'featured') will be able to use the standalone installer and Flash client (when it comes out). Fangames can't obtain that level of approval, so I doubt that'll be able to use the standalone or Flash features.

Moral of the story; Make an original game if you want to use them.
Good. I hope it stays that way.
I currently use the old installer with a self-extracting zip, including the byond folder to distribute my fangame. Will the new installer mean I can no longer distribute my game this way?
I don't think the old 'make exe' options work, so as long as you're not using any of those you should be fine.
I am using the make exe however.
The self-extracting zip contains the resulting exe, with a byond folder. So that my players don't need to go and download BYOND.
If that no longer works, and fangames cannot use the new installer, what's the new process?
Is my only option to get players to head to then enter the game that way? Just curious.
I don't dislike the idea, but why does it work like that... I mean, just remove subscription system from fangames on standalone client. It's just me for now, but lots of people'll start discussing about this in some days, and I'm not trying to be hateful. Anyway, the BYOND Standalone Client has taken a lot of time and a lot of people were waiting for it, I'm pretty sure more than 70% BYOND Playerbase started on it attracted by the fangames, and even though they've been insulted for so long, I don't get why does the new update have to be so restrictive. I do understand the original games are promoted, but not forcing others to disappear when they're not hurting BYOND, unless they break the rules, and if they do they are normally deleted. :S
Maybe it'd be nice for fangames to get access to the standalone installer... Keeps them away from the site. At least, it could.

I don't insult fangames, but I do dislike them. I dislike them because they're a waste of potential. When there's decent fangames made, it's just a big waste because you're not going to get anywhere in the real world with it. Even if the game's really good, I doubt the official IP holders will like it enough to be like "oh hey, we saw your game and we want it", because it's a BYOND game. It's not about hurting BYOND or breaking rules (even though sometimes it's against the law), it's that you're hurting yourself when you make the choice to be original, where people judge your game based on what you did with it; or make a fangame, where people judge your game based on how many references to a popular thing you make in the game.
BYOND is trying to get a cut of the profits games using the standalone generate. Games that can't make money obviously can't contribute.
My fangame doesn't generate money. I pay for a BYOND membership each year to say thanks for supporting my hobby. If all of a sudden I have to get my new users to go through BYOND's website to get the client + an account, I expect my numbers to drop drastically.
I'm really hoping there will be a solution to this.
Lige wrote:
That's how people have been doing it before this version. It's not a big deal.

Except that's not entirely true, because I've been doing it with the old (make exe) installer for over a year now. I know I'm not the only one.

The problem is (as Nadrew just stated), fangames don't generate income, which BYOND needs.

The vast majority of BYOND games don't - original or otherwise.
They don't have to generate income, it's a plus but not required.

It's a good incentive to make original games, I guess.
Original games can still be inspired by anime anyway. I don't know why people just don't do like NEStalgia and make their game very similar to the game it is they got their inspiration from without infringing on the original IP as opposed to making a flat out Naruto or Dragon Ball game and dealing with all the issues that come along with it.

Don't make your game an exact copy of whatever it is you want to make a fan-game of. Problem solved.
In response to EmpirezTeam
That solves the IP infringement, but creates more problems that keep people from choosing this option. Mostly, it's completely against what the creator wanted, against a stubborn, childish dream. Additionally, it can drastically decrease the game's appeal to a potentially huge audience.
Sounds like a personal problem.
The problem is, if a fan-game got that huge, it would be shut down. The IP holders had us remove fan-games that weren't even being played anymore - imagine what they would do if one was getting like 10k-20k players. Basically, if you really care about having a lot of people play your game, it's best to not make a game that someone else can C&D. In reality, it's the original games that have a potentially huge audience. Sure it might run away the people who wanted an actual, 100% Dragon Ball game experience, but think of all the people who don't mind a spinoff. Which is pretty much what League of Legends is - a game heavily inspired by DotA with its own twists and added features. It ran away all the people who were die-hard DotA fans, but it's still easily the most successful game right now in the MOBA genre.

For example, a ninja fighting game where you could spit fire and make clones of yourself would do really well even if it's not using the exact same characters and storyline from Naruto.
God Damn!been reading this for the past 2 mins now and i dont wanna suddenly butt in but i agree with wat Empirez is saying.

"For example, a ninja fighting game where you could spit fire and make clones of yourself would do really well even if it's not using the exact same characters and storyline from Naruto."

The only bad thing about that is the really dumb people who think that if There are ninjas who can spit fire and make clones than your obviously making a naruto game soo why not just call it naruto or something, and add everything else from naruto.

I can't really explain it but something like this happened when me and my friends were going to make a original game.
Echo, is that you?

Anyway, the reason is because when you put yourself into that mindset you shoot yourself in the foot. I have an idea right now for an original game that started as a fangame. If an idiot like me can do it, you can too.

To rephrase:
If you find yourself making a ninja game and noticing that it's a lot like naruto, don't call it naruto. Keep forging ahead on the path to keeping it original. Because when you say, "May as well call it naruto", you destroy your development potential because you're going to fit a pre-existing mold instead of making your own.
This is my idea:

Anime games, if you want to be removed from the BYOND site completely, go ahead and have access to the standalone installer. I'd rather not see them on the site.
In response to Cloud Magic
I was thinking bout that but remember not all Anime games will go since the owner of thm are like snotty 9 yr old who doesn't even kno that there is a forum. Or they prob wouldn't even kno how to use the stand alone client.
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