(See the best response by Albro1.)
I don't know how to explain this... I own a sidescroller game, and even if the ping is low, the people (well, at least me) get their game frozen, by the way I'm not the hoster.

It's simple, I join the game, I play, and I start freezing (it doesn't last forever though) but when I press for example "Commands" tab and I'm using another tab, it takes some seconds to switch tab, by this I mean it's not the lag, it's my computer the one that can't handle well this game, somehow...

What could make the game be playable without freezing the person's computer so often?

Thank you :S
Falcon lazorz wrote:
A better computer?

or more likely a better hosting machine.
Best response
If the tab switches, but the content takes time to load, the issue is likely the connection. If it takes time for the tab to switch when you click it, then something is gone horribly wrong in the programming (the connection can still be a contributor).