Right now it's, Zombieland, and saw 6. But ima check out ninja assassin so i might edit considering how the move is.
Transformers 2 acutally wasnt bad at all.It had a respectful storyline Megatron returning for revenge as always Prime saving the day.heh heh lets not forgot other crappy movies of like Dbewwww, but i guess its best that that is forgotten all the dvds should be throne in a volcano in pompei.Anyways! Im going to with Surrogates Bruce Willis is the man and story wasnt like most sci-fi movies it had soul and a messade lol dont judge a book be its cover.
SilkWizard wrote:
Wow. Not surprising at all that BYONDers are big Transformer 2 fans. Easily the worst movie of the year, on every conceivable level (including the poorly directed special effects).

Zombieland is my favorite movie this year. It's pretty darn close to being a perfect film.

It should have been obvious that the point wasn't about Transformers, which obviously sucked, but rather about making a long chain post.
Transformers 2 acutally wasnt bad at all.It had a respectful storyline Megatron returning for revenge as always Prime saving the day.heh heh lets not forgot other crappy movies of 09 like Dbewwww, but i guess its best that that is forgotten and all the of dvds that horrid thing should be throne in a volcano in Pompei.Anyways! Im going to with Surrogates Bruce Willis is the man and story wasnt like most sci-fi movies it had soul and a messade lol dont judge a book be its cover.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Vexonater wrote:
SilkWizard wrote:
Wow. Not surprising at all that BYONDers are big Transformer 2 fans. Easily the worst movie of the year, on every conceivable level (including the poorly directed special effects).

Zombieland is my favorite movie this year. It's pretty darn close to being a perfect film.

It should have been obvious that the point wasn't about Transformers, which obviously sucked, but rather about making a long chain post.

There wasnt really no need for a response like that' and it wasnt about transformers it was simply about favorite movie of 09 I was just saying that Transformers wasnt the bad movie of the year...
Transformers 2 acutally wasnt bad at all.It had a respectful storyline Megatron returning for revenge as always Prime saving the day.heh heh lets not forgot other crappy movies of 09 like Dbewwww, but i guess its best that that is forgotten and all the of dvds that horrid thing should be throne in a volcano in Pompei.Anyways! Im going to with Surrogates Bruce Willis is the man and story wasnt like most sci-fi movies it had soul and a message lol dont judge a book be its cover.
this year has been pretty dry as far as movies i've been interested in. we'll go with Zombieland though, finally a shaun of the dead for americans. :)

No, not New Moon. The one with Sam Rockwell.
Everyone loved DBE.......lol I would say Zombieland was my favorite.
backyard sluts 10 way better than backyard sluts 9
Vexonater wrote:
NineNineNine wrote:
Mechana2412 wrote:
Vexonater wrote:
Drehdog7 wrote:
Chris Gayle wrote:
Smoosh wrote:
Transformers Revenge of The Fallen. Megan Fox

I'm Gonna say
-Paranormal Activity
- District 9
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
- The Streets of Pelham 123

I think there Probably More, But these are the only ones I enjoyed watching.
SilkWizard wrote:
Wow. Not surprising at all that BYONDers are big Transformer 2 fans. Easily the worst movie of the year, on every conceivable level (including the poorly directed special effects).

Zombieland is my favorite movie this year. It's pretty darn close to being a perfect film.

Do you have a problem with "BYONDers"? You seem to go out of your way to complain about the community you put yourself in. Instead of instigating an arguement why not not try starting a civil discussion.

No wonder you find yourself so little liked.
Chris Gayle wrote:
Do you have a problem with "BYONDers"? You seem to go out of your way to complain about the community you put yourself in. Instead of instigating an arguement why not not try starting a civil discussion.

He cannot express his opinions without talking down to someone else. According to his blog he emanates hatred in order to stir up a few more comments. The fallacy of this notion is all the new comments are just, "Fuck you, Silk Wizard."
Chris Gayle wrote:
Do you have a problem with "BYONDers"?

You're very astute.

Let's take you for example. I have absolutely no idea who you are, yet when I click on your name, a blog/guild pops up that says "Original Gaming Domain"... and it's full of crappy DBZ and Naruto banners.

BYOND has pretty much become a parody of itself. For those of us who get the joke, it's hard to look away.

Xyberman wrote:
It had a respectful storyline Megatron returning for revenge as always Prime saving the day

The "story" was constructed like so: Michael Bay came up with huge nonsensical special effects scenes that he wanted to have, then he started shooting them.

The cliched, racist, potty-humor script was only pieced together after these scenes had gone into production. They literally made this movie up as they shot it.

I enjoy a good brainless special effects fest every now and then (2012)... but Transformers 2 was downright offensive.
SilkWizard wrote:
Chris Gayle wrote:
Do you have a problem with "BYONDers"?

You're very astute.

Let's take you for example. I have absolutely no idea who you are, yet when I click on your name, a blog/guild pops up that says "Original Gaming Domain"... and it's full of crappy DBZ and Naruto banners.

BYOND has pretty much become a parody of itself. For those of us who get the joke, it's hard to look away.

Thank you, and you're very foolish.

OGD represents non-rip. I figured OGD sounded better than NROGD.
I'm not truly concerned with the fact that some may be fan games.
Truly a game developer is free to create whatever they like as it is their own net dream.
As long as the art and programming is found to be original. I consider it such.
If those games are so crappy, why don't you do something worthwhile and contribute something meaning-full and develop your own "Good looking banner" and game.
Chris Gayle wrote:
OGD represents non-rip. I figured OGD sounded better than NROGD.

Seriously. It's like watching my cat chase around a laser pointer.
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