So, I was bored and decided to play around with Cafepress.

That there is my "store", you can currently purchase a Mooseland T-Shirt for $9.99 USD or a Rage Throw Pillow for $16.99 USD

The Rage Throw Pillow has Fred on it, so you can throw him around.
The Mooseland T-Shirt features Micke, Gary and Warren on it, aswell as the Mooseland Logo which I just created recently for Mooseland 2's development.

Yes, me wher me moose t-shirt tu hi skool. =)
I would.
I think the RAAAAAGE pillow should be one of the FFFFUUUUUUUUUU faces, or maybe a collage of them.
I shall put a FFFFUUU face on it.
I already read your post. I win.
I would not like to throw around a pillow with Fred on it. I would, though, like to throw around a pillow with a bar of iron inside of it to create that stinging pain with a design of Fred shooting himself in excruciating detail.
Pretty sure I can't get a bar of iron inside it.
Oh my god! I'm on a cheesy Mooseland product!


My life is complete.