Now since there isnt many pixel artists in BYOND anymore i want to know how to get sprites and how to convert them into a dmi file or however the ways are to code it O_O i would appreciate it cause im in deep trouble with my game since it needs a map and combat system and i have no icons for it.
I want to point out that there are plenty of pixel artists on BYOND, they just don't work for free.

As for your question, there may be some resources located online that you can copy/paste into a .dmi file.
Well you have any recommended sites i can use?
Since you need a map and combat system why not do what everyone else who can't draw does and use place holders?
There are plenty of free resources that you can use as place holders.
by place holders u mean getting icons from iconshare and resources etc from byond?
That or draw stick figures :)
lol @ stick figures but....ill see what i can do with the placeholders lol
if your combat system involves movement of an attack like punching a stick figure would be best.
In response to Angel_heat
Angel_heat wrote:
by place holders u mean getting icons from iconshare and resources etc from byond?

Preferably, a placeholder would be royalty free artwork which you found on the internet or, as A.T.H.K stated, crudely drawn images.