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Join my site =o
Just wondering if you could put Auto Mode back on MM2: Legacy while you're not there. K? Thanks if you do.
what happened to opal kevin??
Kevin7581 wrote:
i got some thing for maple story byond style a huskey sheet and a slime one

uhmm sorry kevin i got banned story :D
ok but i made a forum
for maple story byond style
I'm not a noob.
Kaimana wrote:
I'm not a noob.

hi kevin! :D
kevin i think ur populair
ZombieWolf wrote:

Your background sux.
I could make something better with paint.
Kaimana wrote:
Your background sux.
I could make something better with paint.

lol i used paint :O
Kevin7581 wrote:
kevin208 there been a new job on maplestory want to see what it can do

Its dual blade i know u dont need to inform me :O
Kaimana wrote:

Nevermind I just started got the hang of HTML,Just enough for making a hub.
i just wanna say you have to much time on your hands
You should remove the tags from your Dragon Ball game. Thats ridiculous.
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