Multiline input controls did not allow new lines to be added after reaching their visible capacity.
Applies to:Dream Seeker
BYOND Version:463
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium
Web Browser:
Status: Resolved (464)

This issue has been resolved.
Right now, an input control with the multi-line property set to true only allows as many lines to be entered as can be seen at once. It would be helpful if scrollbars appeared when necessary, or if there were at least an option to enable this behavior.
Scrollbars appearing as necessary is intended behavior, so I'm moving this over to the bug tracker.
This should be easy to reproduce, then. Just place an input control into a window, check the multi-line box, run the project, and hold the enter key. The cursor will stop once it reaches the bottom of the control.
I've fixed the problem with being unable to add new lines. Having vertical scrollbars appear automatically is apparently far more difficult than it would seem, but probably deserves a separate issue.