Keywords: demo, rts, templar

I think it's pretty neat. This is a small proof-of-concept type demo which allows you to see some of the combat involved. When I get around to it, I'll clean it up and post in on the forums.

Your units are red. Click to select individually or drag to select many.

Check out the Artillery. It fires about 20 shells at a time, but the system can handle 100+ at a time which looks really cool. In a big firefight, with all the projectiles flying, there isn't much lag which is great. Testing has shown that around 1000 shells could be fired at once without lag on my laptop - probably more on a better set-up. To fire the Artillery, double-click to set it up and then click a location within range. Double-click again to move it.

Scout and Sniper are stealthed. Scout is revealed when it moves or shoots. Sniper is revealed when it shoots or moves adjacent to an enemy. Scout will reveal stealthed units within 6 spaces.

The Burner's attack looks pretty cool. It's got a flamethrower with a wide AOE and some modest armor. It's immune to its own attack but will fry nearby allies if they stray too close. Effective against armor due to the low damage of the many individual particles (armor can't reduce damage below 1).

Vanguard has a shotgun and is pretty well armored.

Medic will heal nearby units to 60% health.

Grenadier has a similar attack as the Artillery but will attack automatically over walls.

Heavy Gunner unleashes a blast (all the spent casings are propelled out behind it; snipers can be identified this way) and will probably one-hit most enemies.