Post your comments here!
Need 24/7 Hosting for your game? I am hosting on my 24/7 VPS for an admin spot. Please just contact me for more info.
Come on PFOA
dude its so nice that u hosting citrine man ur server is just awesome thx for the awesome hosting man
Visser Three ur a good person, you host good. your awesome =D
dude ur a great host but ive tried and i cant get on ur server i dont know why i could yesterday but not now
Do you like cheese?
Can u put the lvs above 30 on pokemon citrine online plz
Volcomkewl wrote:
Do you like cheese?

I love random comments like these. And the truth is, I LOVE CHEESE!
Omnomnomnomnom -crunch- Mmm Cookies. =)

Michael, start hosting Citrine again. I'd ask on msn but you're never answering because of school. And if you decide to host Citrine again, please delete the save files. So I can play fairly. xD

Michael, dude why don't you answer MSN anymore? You just leave it running or something.?

Im the new 24/7 host for citrine.
Visser I sent you an email im hopeful you will give me the old pokemon citrine saves so that people can continue where they left off on your server.
It would mean alot to us.